Sophie Gregory
I am a first generation organic dairy farmer from the Dorset-Devon border, with a surprising background in accounting. I'm passionate about the dairy industry and its future, particularly the organic sector, which led me to pursue a Nuffield Scholarship to explore the future of organic dairy. I am extremely grateful to my sponsors The Trehane Trust for making it possible.
What is the future for organic dairy farming?
The Trehane Trust

Study Overview
Is the future of organic uncertain? With challenges from regenerative ag and plant-based products. Organic could be seen as outdated and confusing for consumers. While I will be focusing on organic dairy, I am interested in learning broader lessons from across the sector. The organic farming philosophy is centered around the elimination of synthetic chemicals in agriculture, but is this approach capable of sustaining the expanding global population? Are Government policy and subsidies are crucial to organic's success. It's possible that the core message of organic has been lost, and it may need to be rebranded to stay relevant. My goal is to find out where organic is thriving and where it's losing ground, to bring back lessons that can be applied to the UK.