Individuals can start their application for a Nuffield Farming Scholarship early in January each year.
If you have any questions about the application process before this date, please email our Alumni Officer at [email protected]
Support and advice with the application process from both, the Nuffield Farming Office and Regional Representative is readily available though all stages of the application process.
The deadline for applications each year is the 31st July. This is also the deadline date for both your references.
Applicants are to ensure they have forwarded the reference link to both referees allowing sufficient time for references to be completed.
All applications and references will be reviewed by the Selection Committee by early September to short list for interview. All Applicants will be notified of the outcome in writing.
As part of the ongoing support to Applicants by Regional Representatives, Applicants who have been invited to interview will be offered the opportunity to attend a 'mock interview' beforehand.
Interviews are held over three days and usually take place in London. Applicants will receive an email notifying them of the date and time of their interview.
Everyone who attended an interview will receive a letter notifying them of the result. The new Nuffield Scholars will be announced on both the Nuffield Farming website and in the media.
New Scholars will be officially awarded their Scholarship at the Annual Nuffield Farming Conference.