Gwion Parry
I grew up on family farm in the Llyn Peninsula, North Wales where along with my parents we farm a pedigree, performance recorded Stabiliser herd and a early lambing sheep flock. I studied Agriculture and Business at Aberystwyth University and in early 2023 I started an ultrasound scanning business, measuring rib eye area, fat depth and marbling percentage in cattle all over the UK.
The disconnection between eating quality in the UK beef industry - from farm to fork.
Royal Welsh Agricultural Society

Study Overview
With the new trade deal with Australia it is established that the UK beef industry is facing a great challenge. Beef consumption in the UK is falling, and I question if this is down to the eating quality consistency experienced by the consumer. My study will investigate how beef is marketed, branded, and graded in other countries, and if more specific detailed labelling of beef products on the shelf will grow consumption and improve engagement with consumers.