Ruth Grice

Ruth Grice

I'm a partner in our family dairy farm near Melton Mowbray in Leicestershire, where we sell milk from 180 pedigree Holsteins to Long Clawson Dairy. I also work part-time for Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust. 

I’ve worked in the environmental conservation charity sector for the past 17 years & currently lead a team of colleagues responsible for generating long-term, sustainable income.

Outside of work, I’m a keen swimmer, Leicester Tigers fan, and explorer of the countryside.

Working Together: How Dairy Farmers & Environmental Organisations Can Achieve Sustainable Food Security & Combat Climate Change.

Study Overview

For a long time, I have treated my two careers separately. I’m conscious of the difficulties the two communities can have in understanding one another. I believe that if the right relationship between dairy farmers and environmental organisations can be forged, there is significant potential to be gained by working together.

I will visit some of the world’s largest milk producing countries to find out if symbiotic partnerships between the two communities exist within them. Where they do, I want to understand what cultures, policies and conversations are in place to make such partnerships the social norm.

Scholar Video