Helen Wyman
Growing up on a diverse farm in Yorkshire, sparked my interest in farm business management that led to a farm advisory career. Since having a family I have moved into a commercial role, specialising in green gas and permanent sequestration of carbon dioxide. I am very excited to be awarded a 2022 Nuffield Scholarship and would like to thank my sponsor, the John Oldacre Foundation for their support.
Mentoring: a mechanism for driving positive change in UK Agriculture
John Oldacre Foundation
Study Overview
Mentoring and seeking outside views on family farming businesses is often put to the bottom of any to-do list however is this where it should sit?
As part of my study, I will look for positive and negative case studies both within agriculture and other industries. Assessing the impact on the individuals (mentors and mentees), their businesses and the wider community will ensure an all-inclusive approach to this study.