Chris Taylor

Chris Taylor

I am passionate and optimistic about the future of UK agriculture. After studying Agriculture at Harper Adams University College, I was selected for the Co-operative Farms Management Trainee Scheme, which gave me a great insight into large scale arable farming. Since 2014, I have been working as an Agronomist in South Wales, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire. During this time, I have completed the BASIS Diploma in Agronomy with Environmental Management to ensure my knowledge is relevant and industry leading. A Nuffield Scholarship has been a long-term aspiration of mine and I’d like to thank McDonalds, as my sponsor, for making it a reality. 

Do regenerative farming practices pave the way for UK agriculture to meet net zero?

Study Overview

With the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, farmers of the future will need to transition to a carbon neutral farming system, whilst also feeding a growing population. I want to understand if by adopting regenerative farming practices, UK agriculture can become more resilient, sustainable and environmentally sensitive, whilst also remaining profitable. Regenerative farming is currently a hot topic, but many farmers are finding it a challenge to define the system and understand how it could impact their business. I would like to address this issue and bring clarity to regenerative farming through my Nuffield Scholarship.

Scholar Video