As with all regions we have been prevented from physically meeting up but the activity in the SE region has increased a little with some regional communications, the reconvening of a committee and of course the amazing support of Gill Bullock! Its been a quiet year again but with a new team in place to help get things rolling we are confident that 2021 will be full of Nuffield comms.
The new officers for the South East are: Sarah Calcutt (chair) Tom Ormesher, Marion Gue, Dan Burdett, Rachel Watkins, Cameron Roucher & Mike Giffin all ably encouraged by Gill!
With plans to meet up in 2021 in the early stages of formulation it is our hope that we will meet at a vineyard (something we are really blessed with in this region) and on farm. With a number of notable shows within the region too there is an expectation to host tables South of England Show and the National Fruit Show social events. If you would like to assist with these please let me know as it would be wonderful to get big Nuffield groups together again.
I’m also very pleased to report that we have seen some excellent candidates present themselves as potential scholars in 2020, most have made it through to interview with a couple more who will no doubt return another year with a more refine application.. Everyone who approached the application process had some impressive ideas and plans and it was great to see a good number from the region.
And to finish, if anyone would like to join in with the South East team, host a visit or has a great idea for how we can best use online time during the winter, please get in touch. We’d love to have a big, vibrant SE group, the region is full of such interesting businesses and scholars!