Emily Aitchison
I grew up on a mixed arable and livestock farm in Mid-Suffolk. As a family we have been farming continuously since 1640 and I am proud of my farming heritage. At the age of 21, I set up three diversification enterprises on the farm, a wedding venue, glamping site and cookery school. I am really excited to be awarded a 2021 Nuffield Scholarship and would like to thank you my sponsors, Alan and Anne Becket for making it possible.
Farm to glass: Assessing how farms can benefit from future trends in the drinks industry
The Beckett Award
Study Overview
For my Nuffield topic I want to explore and evaluate new trends and opportunities, which can be adopted by farmers diversifying into and already within the drinks sector. As an entrepreneur, I am always looking to the future, understanding which trends are worth adopting, which ones aren’t and how they correlate with consumer demand.