Report Synopsis

Improving Grazing. Production increase through good environmental processes

Cameron Kruckow

The purpose of this report is to outline the exciting and new opportunities relating to the development of Northern Australia and the potential that the northern industry is presented with. This document has been compiled from experience as a manager using plan grazing in the northern environment for the last five years and encountering first-hand the improvement to the land and its ability to produce kilograms of beef.

Being accepted into the Nuffield community in 2017 has allowed the author to travel the world seeking new and proven ideas that can take the level of improvement even further and present the industry with tried and proven concepts in global agriculture. Potential implications or issues to making the intensive jump is the lack of knowledge, understanding and the fear of change. Arguments will arise from, and resistance encountered, however concepts that work in different environments will progress when the right plants are established.

Identified ecological tools with the support of strong planning assisted by technology, are also recognised and provide an insight to progress forward.

Progression can be encountered in different ways. This includes understanding ecological tools for progression, utilising advancements in technology to allow strong planning objects through development of fencing and water supported by stronger, more resilient pastures.

Among the recommendations of this report are developing required skills and knowledge to implement change, with the intent of intensification at the forefront, seeking professional and experienced guidance in required field, developing clear production outcomes, and increasing focus on potential gain through fertility, and improved pasture quality.

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