Report Synopsis

Agricultural Organisations: Farmer Engagement

Daniel Meade

Many industries across the world’s employment, business and recreational activities have representative and research organisations which seek to promote and progress their activity. Agricultural representation and research is amongst these activities. This report aims to investigate how agricultural representative organisations from varying countries engage with farmer members and non-member farmers to effectively advocate for advancement in policy that truly represents the majority of industry sentiment. In addition, the report also looks at agricultural research and development organisations and how they determine study topics and extension that is confidently reflective of the sector’s needs and desires.

This report is not the first, nor will it be that last, based on agricultural groups and how they operate. However, the author endeavours to focus on how these groups engage, interact and communicate with farmers in the main and also across the wider industry.

There are various factors that come into play leading to whether these groups are effective and successful in their farmer engagement. These include geography, resources, history, markets, competition, champions, governance and culture. Some of those listed are explored further in this report.

This report informs readers of how different agricultural groups from numerous countries are structured, staffed, governed, represented and how they are held accountable to their payer of the levy which keeps them in fund or their member base which gives them purpose.

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