Worth a look - news image

The Nuffield Business Group met in Gloucester Gateway; courtesy of Gavin Lane and his wife Jane’s, family. Despite the March snow keeping three regulars from attending and the French snow (via a broken leg) preventing another, the two-day workshop was full.

All attendees give an account of previous year’s activities and objectives for the year ahead. This is followed by questions from all other scholars; Chatham House applies. The group addresses hard business decisions as well as the difficult personal challenges equally. This has generated an openness which can only be described as a coaching culture with topics raised often followed up after the event.

Because the group has been oversubscribed, a second Nuffield Business Group has been formed and we met in Cambridge, courtesy of Andy Gage. I was touched that Scholars from, literally, far and wide attended for a single intense day (which on reflection should have run as the two-day format as Nuffield’s have a lot to talk about). Thanks to Holly Becket for co-hosting and Andy Gage who must have been the first Nuffield in history to give a conference-call from a hospital bed; now that’s Nuffield spirit!

Matt Swain